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best breastfeeding gifts by The Birth Nurse

Best Gifts for the Breastfeeding Mama

The ESSENTIALS for the Breastfeeding Boss in Your Life

Yup, I’m pumping

Give the mama in your life something that she’ll actually use, love, and think, “I’m so glad someone knew how much I needed this!

GREAT! Yes, I know, breastfeeding is essentially free…but there a few essentials that make it so much more comfortable, easier, and beautiful. Sometimes the mama cow just wants to feel beautiful. (I’m a mama cow, I can say it without truly meaning it 😉 but that’s how it feels sometimes)

Here are my tried and true favorites. I grew up with all of my family members nursing their children, I’ve taught many women about latch and breastfeeding in my job as a nurse, and I know humans have been breastfeeding since the dawn of man. “How many THINGS could one mama need? How did they nurse without a pillow in the stone age? If they could, I probably don’t need ALL THE STUFF”  WRONG. I realized that I needed all the stuff, and it’s so amazing I’m even sharing it with everyone I know! That “one thing” can make all the difference, and every mama wants “the thing” if it’s going to make breastfeeding easier. (because it’s hard – a lot of times it’s hard)

My own pillow, used with both kids!

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Best Nursing Pillow Ever!

The Brest Friend Pillow

That “one thing” for me that helped me start enjoy being the dairy cow was this nursing pillow. (organic version) I saw labor patients come into the hospital with this enormous monstrosity in preparation for successful breastfeeding. I admit, I rolled my eyes. I thought, “Really?! You think that big thing is going to make this easier?” Well, I’m so sorry mamas with the Brest Friend pillow. I judged before I knew. You were So So right!

I had a horrible, horrible first six months nursing my son. (You can watch my story here) During one of my MANY trips to the lactation consultant’s office, she threw one of these on me before I could object that my nursing relationship didn’t need All The Things. *Cue the angel music*

After unending hours of breastfeeding a newborn, this pillow was the support and hug that my body needed. The back support felt so good, the clasp kept the pillow from rolling away (Ahem, much like other very popular pillow choices), and it even has little bumps on the top surface to keep the baby rolled in toward me. Not to mention the pocket – my phone never got lost again! It was fantastic! Go for the Cadillac pillow! It’s worth it to get it right the first time.

The Cover That Does it All

Milk Snob

This is just the most beautiful and versatile cover I’ve ever seen! I did use a cover like this with my first baby, and it got the job done. It was easy to see into, but ….. side boob.

Unfortunately, however, it was missing versatility! If something is going to take up space in the diaper bag, it’s gotta be good. The Milk Snob

Milk Snob

 is way more than a cover, and I use it daily. Seriously, it’s been a life saver. I don’t cover while nursing anymore (I seriously just don’t think we need to cover when we feed our kids. I’m a bit of a lactivist about this one), but I still use it over the car seat to shield from the sun, cold, and rain. *Especially the rain*

I use it to cover the cart handles and little finger traps that those grocery carts have all over the seat area. I’ve also used it to hold her a little more snugly in a restaurant high chair (also ew, they get gross). It even works great as a blanket while baby is in a swing, because she can’t kick it off! (If only I could find my pics of this – I probably was busy taking a nap)

My least fav but most useful way I’ve used it so far is as a pump cover. (see pictured) I never thought I’d pump in public, but I seriously hate being cooped up by myself just to pump in private. Now I use my Milk Snob, and my front, back, and side boob are all concealed! I even ate a burger while I pumped! Multitasking is life!

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For All New Moms

Live-In Help

A Smart Speaker

Nope, not a nanny, though that would be fantastic! My smart speaker is as close to live-in help as it gets in my house. But I don’t know how people parented without one!

Seriously, I can give her directions while I’m stuck on the couch under a baby for hours! I’m making my shopping list, listening to podcasts or audible books, she will even play nature sounds – which was incredible when my kids slept best during rain storms!

Alexa can reorder diapers/wipes/wine and set a timer for when I need to leave for an appointment (I have serious mom brain).

My favorite way to use a smart speaker in labor and delivery: parents can open the Alexa app and drop in on their kids at home just like using speaker phone! They can drop into the kitchen speaker during breakfast and say good morning to their kids at home while they’re at the hospital having a baby! It’s so great for labor, because the birthing person knows everyone is ok. Also great for the kids, because they’re too young for phones but still get to say “good night” each night.

Safe-for-Baby Deodorant

Earth Mama Organic Deodorant

Stay with me on this one. Not every breastfeeding mama eats, breathes, lives organic. I think even those of us that try are somewhere on an organic —— diet coke continuum depending on the day, week, or who’s house we’re at for the holidays. It shifts and fluctuates. *Points for trying.*

This is not on here because I think everyone should push organic or assume a level of crunchiness when one finds out that a friend plans to feed her baby breastmilk. Truly, no one knows what she’ll need the most. Maybe she and baby will click and get it easily and just love to nurse in their fav chair with their fav pillow. That is our hope for them!

Either way, she obviously wants to do right by her baby and try to give her new squish the good stuff. She is going to love anything thoughtful that supports her on this journey! Seriously! It’s a brand new wilderness out there. Maybe she’s never made milk, she definitely can’t practice this skill to get it right, and who knows what others will think of her (but she’s trying not to care). Encouraging her and acknowledging her hard work is tremendously supportive!

I’ve added this organic deodorant, because it’s great! I love its smoothness and scent, tough to find in the oil/natural deodorant lineup in my opinion. Also, most infants spend a lot of time under, in, and around the armpit region. New mamas do not, however. (Did I shower yesterday? oops) This deodorant is safe for baby’s sweet little head when she snuggles up under mama’s arm, and it’s yummy enough for mama to remember to apply it for a little pampering in those early weeks. (And yes, deodorant application is pampering when you’re in the trenches as a new parent.)

Wear That Baby

More Skin to Skin Makes More Milk!

Technically, this isn’t JUST for the nursing mama, but it’s so important that it made the list. I recommend baby wearing to All Mamas! I don’t mean get super crunchy and wear your baby, while topless, recycling toilet paper, and burning the bras. I just mean that sometimes baby won’t be put down and during those five day, clingy, fussy benders, and mama’s gotta pee! It’s nice to be hands-free sometimes. It almost feels like a break! Some babies just don’t like swings, or not yet, and they want to smell mama always. A soft wrap or a ring sling keeps baby close to mama, warm, and snuggly, and she can eat a sandwich and take a walk while hands-free! It can be so great.


A Robe

A robe seems so simple, right, but it can be incredibly useful and meaningful! I was gifted a robe by my mother and my mother-in-law when I had my first baby. They were so wonderful, because they were the only clothes I wore for weeks! I loved my nursing tanks and camis, and the robes were the finishing touch to my crazed mama look 🙂 Days melted into nights and nights looked an awful lot like the days – a robe suited for wake or sleep! It covered my back when I needed access to the front – or the baby did really. It also felt cozy when I really needed a hug.

When Mama’s Gotta Pump

Pump Ease Pumping Bra 

And finally, for the mama that will be pumping milk, maybe her baby is in the NICU and can’t nurse immediately, she’d rather pump and not nurse, or maybe she’s planning on going back to work, hands-free pumping is The Only Way! Pumping moms are pulled in all sorts of directions, they’re always needed, and they should always being doing something else instead of pumping 🙁 It’s seriously the saddest truth. This means that those 15 minutes of pumping could turn incredibly sacred if she’s hands free and can…eat a sandwich, read a book about getting her baby to sleep!,  or connect with other humans because she’s battling depression 

Unfortunately, not all hands-free bras are created equal. The Pump Ease is made of stretchy but supportive material that feels like a really thick swimsuit. It held my ginormous milk bags in place when the old sports bra trick did nothing. The bra clasps on the front make it easy to adjust the size if needed, which helps as breast size changes so much while breastfeeding. It’s also Not a Bra at all! Great, because bras while nursing = ICK! They bring to mind underwires and tight fitting discomfort when nursing ninnies beg to be free.

I also love that they are so darn cute! I have the snow leopard print. Initially this was So Not me 🙂 But it made me smile to see it in my pump bag every time I had to sit down and pump 🙂 It was a nice surprise, and clever colors make them easy to find!

Pumping is lonely, hard work, and no fun. Having a beautiful, really fantastic hands-free pumping bra is a really genuine gesture to support someone during their breastmilk journey.

Hot and Cold Nursing Packs

Booby Tubes

I can’t say enough about these work horses! (See my video here.) They can be frozen for the engorgement pain or warmed for a clogged duct or just better 

milk flow while pumping. They’re not gel, they’re made of flax seeds! I was even caught warming them for postpartum cramps when I couldn’t find my rice sock!

Breast Pump Bag

Beautiful Pump Bag

I have a Medela bag that looks like a retro gym bag 🙂 it’s been beaten and loved, and I haven’t been able to find anything like it since I grabbed it on impulse at a local breastfeeding boutique.  I thought I’d be able to use it long past my milk pumping days, but I think it will lay to rest once I’m done next year. It’s pretty torn up, which makes sense, because I take it Everywhere with me for 14 months and now for the last 8!  This pumping bag is such a great improvement, however! This is such a beautiful gift for a few reasons – It’s a beautiful item that will be used DAILY! Who doesn’t want to give a gift that will actually be used?! It’s also versatile, easy to clean, made by a pumping mama for pumping mamas, and did I mention that it’s beautiful?!

My work horse got the job done, it has a small “insulated” section (which doesn’t really do much), and the bottom never gave out despite my constant fears. Bags these days are so much better, and they really can be used long after the pump is packed away. This is the absolute best Spoil A Mama gift that she may not prioritize for herself but she definitely needs in her life.

Stay tuned for my Best Baby Gifts list coming soon! If you have a great gift idea for mama or baby, tell me below! I’d love to hear what has saved you, and I’d love to learn about mom hacks that I need in my life!

Mandy Irby The Birth Nurse
Mandy Irby The Birth Nurse

Picture of Mandy Irby
Mandy Irby
Mandy Irby is a board-certified labor nurse with 13 years of experience supporting survivors of assault and trauma through pregnancy, birth planning, and at their bedside during childbirth and pregnancy loss. Mandy is an international educator through her online, on-demand childbirth ed classes and community exclusively for nurses to shed the shame and powerlessness they feel to change the very system L&D nurses were setup to fail in. She's passionate about shaping the future of nursing to improve childbirth outcomes! As a creative educator, Mandy co-authored Amazon best-seller, Baby Got VBAC.  Many know her through her wildly popular, tongue-in-cheek social media platforms.

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8 Responses

  1. Does anyone know what happened to Dime Piece LA celebrity streetwear brand? I am having trouble to proceed to the checkout on Dimepiecela site. I have read in Marie Claire that they were bought out by a UK-based hedge fund in excess of $50m. I have just bought the Dimepiece I’m Trying Unisex Heavy Blend™ Hooded Sweatshirt from Ebay and absolutely love it xox

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