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4 Easy Steps to

Breastfeeding Hurts. 4 Steps to Heal A Clogged Duct

Are you breastfeeding? Your pain might be due to a clogged duct.  (Or a million other reasons that cause boobs to hurt while they’re trying to feed another human – or 2!) But it doesn’t have to hurt – it shouldn’t, in fact!!

I have 4 detailed steps to unclog the clog that I’ve compiled from years of experience, trial and error, and helping a lot of other boobs in my town as a nurse. 

Breastfeeding is seriously the most challenging, painful, back breaking, soul crushing thing I’ve ever done. The fun and peace from it didn’t hit until probably after the 1 year mark. Then it was finally No pumping, lots of giggles, the ultimate bandaid for the toddler – oh the sweetness. But for a long time it was such hard work. (My story)  I’m currently back in the trenches with a three month old. Yeesh!

Nursing a newborn = sick torture. In my opinion.

Clogged ducts are really common for me, so if you’ve got a sore spot, I feel ya, sister. I learned lots of tricks to get rid of them, and since our kids don’t come with a manual, I share here to help others keep fighting the good fight.

Earth Mama Angel Baby - Postpartum

These nasty pests of breastfeeding can form when the milk is essentially stuck in the breast and can’t get out. I got them after a lot of pumping, because we all know by now that the pump is no match for what a baby can do to empty the milk banks. They also got bad when I wore a bad bra – too constrictive or too small. Since the breasts change sizes throughout the day depending on how full or empty of milk they are, bra size can be tricky. Mine begged me for more space with a little, hard, painful knot that was tough to get rid of. Thanks boobs. Check out the video at the end of this post; I am on a trip away from baby. The struggle 

Also, a poor latch can cause milk to back up. Seek out a knowledgable IBCLC lactation consultant in your area. If the advice doesn’t feel right to you, trust your gut and keep shopping. There is a consultant out there with great info for you, it just may not be the first person you talk to. Don’t discount a La Leche League leader or meeting locally! LLL mamas can be a wealth of info!

They hurt! They can swell! You can’t will away these hard lumps or ignore them until they pass. Nope. A clogged duct can actually turn into the dreaded mastitis – and I say that with zero sarcasm. Mastitis is dreaded, so here are my tips to get rid of the clogs and ultimately prevent mastitis!

Tips From The Nurse:

  1. Empty Empty Empty – keep that milk moving, mamas! Unless you keep it up and pump extra every single day, moving the milk to alleviate a clog and prevent an infection IS NOT going to give you an overproduction. (I know you’re thinking it)
  2. Heat – warming the spot before emptying the milk will help empty the clog faster and easier. See my video here, for my favorite way to apply heat. Booby Tubes are seriously so cheap and easy. I take them with me when I travel even when I take my baby, because you just never know.Nursing baby in the warm bath could do the trick! They’re slippery, but you can’t go wrong with skin to skin time.
  3. Compression – give some pressure to that clog to encourage its exit! You can use your hand to massage while expressing, pumping, or nursing. I actually press a little on the Booby Tubes over the sore spot while pumping or nursing. You can also get a wide-toothed comb soapy in the shower and comb over the sore spot under the hot shower. I’ve done this and it hurt so good. It really did help work out the clog. The whole time I was thinking, what if my friends (without kids) could see me now. I never told them that’s how I spent a Saturday – too much explaining.I have friends that swear by vibration to help work on the clog. I didn’t hear about this until just recently, but they use an electric toothbrush instead of hand massage. Charge that puppy up! I’d love to hear if it helps you in the comments!
  4. Earth Mama Angel Baby - Milk-to-Go Pumping Companion Essentials

  5. Do Not Stress – Take a breath, tired mama! You’re doing a great job staying healthy and keeping your babe healthy! You’re feeding another human! You are growing someone! You are stronger than a clogged duct, and you’ll get through this. Do not over-stress about this clog, because it might keep coming back. It might be there again when you wake up. It might whisper horrible things to you while you’re pumping and wishing you were holding your baby instead. Brush it off! Breastfeeding requires a lot of hormones, and many of our hormones are tied to our emotions. The more we stress, the harder it is to get the milk out and the longer we struggle.
    I was so mad at my breasts sometimes. I felt like they were hoarding the precious milk that I was pumping, freezing, thawing, dripping, meticulously counting the ounces of, and very much consumed by. I need more. I sometimes had too much. How dare my breasts keep some stuck in a duct that I could feel but couldn’t extract?! They were turning on me!

When you get to that point, it’s time to put yourself in timeout….in the bath….don’t forget your wide toothed comb…and wine.

**Thanks for using my links when you shop! This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small compensation if you make a purchase using this link. I appreciate your support; these links help me keep teaching and videoing!**

If you have a clogged duct story, I’d love to hear about it below! Heal well, my friend!

Picture of Mandy Irby
Mandy Irby
Mandy Irby is a board-certified labor nurse with 13 years of experience supporting survivors of assault and trauma through pregnancy, birth planning, and at their bedside during childbirth and pregnancy loss. Mandy is an international educator through her online, on-demand childbirth ed classes and community exclusively for nurses to shed the shame and powerlessness they feel to change the very system L&D nurses were setup to fail in. She's passionate about shaping the future of nursing to improve childbirth outcomes! As a creative educator, Mandy co-authored Amazon best-seller, Baby Got VBAC.  Many know her through her wildly popular, tongue-in-cheek social media platforms.

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10 Responses

  1. This is a good tip especially to those fresh to the blogosphere.
    Short but very accurate info… Thank you for sharing this one.
    A must read article!

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